What Does a Bankruptcy Attorney Do?

How a Specialized Attorney Can Make All the Difference

Filing for bankruptcy can be a stressful experience, but it is also a useful tool when it comes to taking control of your finances again. Understanding the process and filling out the bankruptcy forms can be daunting, but with the right attorneys, the process can give you a fresh start. A good attorney will not only offer legal advice, but a bankruptcy attorney will handle the paperwork from start to finish.

Let’s take a closer look at what a bankruptcy attorney can do for you.

In general, the difficulty of your bankruptcy will depend on:

● The facts of your case

● Whether you file for Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy

● Whether the bankruptcy trustee will sell any of your property

● If you own a small business

● The involvement of bankruptcy litigation

First, you can expect your attorney to tell you whether filing for bankruptcy would be in your best interest. If it is, you should also learn:

● Whether Chapter 7, Chapter 13, or another type will help you achieve your financial goals

● What you can expect during the bankruptcy process

● Whether your case involves any particular difficulties or risks

Most importantly, if you have any questions, you can expect your attorney to respond to your calls or emails promptly.

Filing for bankruptcy requires you to complete a lengthy packet of forms. At Knezek our bankruptcy attorneys prepare and file your required bankruptcy paperwork with the court.

You will provide our team with all of your financial information, such as income, expense, asset, and debt information then we’ll use it to prepare the official forms and then go over the completed paperwork to ensure accuracy.

After filing for bankruptcy, all debtors must attend a mandatory hearing, but, depending on your case, you (or your attorney) might need to go to additional hearings. In most cases, before you file your bankruptcy case, your attorney will be able to advise you about the hearings you can anticipate attending.

Not all bankruptcy cases are complicated, but they are not all easy, either. Either way, your bankruptcy lawyer will have the skill level necessary to handle your case. Our attorneys at Knezek have extensive experience assisting with bankruptcy proceedings, contact us today to take control of your financial future.